Wednesday, October 04, 2006


fall sucks. I can feel the changes in the world above me and wish so much that I could experience it myself. Jolyn brings fruit and bright leaves to our cave, but it isn't the same.

Jo brought a new entertainment system too. She is so strange at times. She has converted a corner of the main cave into a human habitat as she calls it. She has installed soft brown furniture. A sofa, loveseat and two chairs all in leather. The best part is the big screen TV, VCR, DVD... and I'm sure some other letters that I have forgotten.

When she was explaining what it all does, Jo mentioned that some people watch the current news on the TV but that we won't be able to do that. She said that we couldn't because of being so far under ground, but I know better. The girl is too smart to let a little thing like dirt stop her, so I figure that she doesn't want me to see the current news about the world. I'm not mad at her. she's probably right.

Now we have a stack of those DVD movies and she is promising a movie night tomorrow. Tonight she is going out with another young man. I hope this one goes better than the last one.


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