Thursday, May 15, 2008

A visit and unexpected news.

Grant came by today. This time he came to see my daughter, not me. But knowing me as he he does and being as loyal as one of his ilk can be, he spoke with me first before changing my daughter's whole future.

He had in his possession a letter from Jolyn's mother, who I'd thought was long passed from this life. I don't know the contents, but the fact that Mia still lives and is attempting to contact Jolyn is unnerving at best, and more likely downright shitty.

Mia... I once thought I might love the girl. She was given to me during my time with the native people of Central America. Grant and I had thought some time traveling there might be a pleasure and surprisingly, it was. The freedom to take my true form was liberating even if the people did tend to worship me in ways I did not always enjoy.


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